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Life Cycle Assessment

A life cycle assessment confirms the environmental advantages of CCA poles over alternatives.

An independent consulting firm prepared a quantitative evaluation of the environmental impacts associated with the national production, use, and disposition of chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated, concrete, galvanized steel, and fiber-reinforced composite utility poles using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies and following ISO 14044 standards. The comparative results confirm:

-Less Energy & Resource Use: CCA-treated utility poles require less total energy and less fossil fuel than concrete, galvanized steel, and fiber-reinforced composite utility poles. CCA-treated utility poles require less water than concrete and fiber-reinforced composite utility poles.

-Lower Environmental Impacts: CCA-treated utility poles have lower environmental impacts in comparison to concrete, steel, and fiber-reinforced composite utility poles for all six impact indicator categories assessed: anthropogenic greenhouse gas, net greenhouse gas, acid rain, smog, ecotoxicity, and eutrophication-causing emissions.

-Decreases Greenhouse Gas Levels: Use of CCA-treated utility poles lowers greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere whereas concrete, galvanized steel, and fiber-reinforced composite utility poles increase greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere.

-Offsets Fossil Fuel Use: Reuse of CCA-treated utility poles for energy recovery in permitted facilities with appropriate emission controls will further reduce greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere, while offsetting the use of fossil fuel energy.

See study summary.
